Course List

Non-credit co-requisite math courses

A co-requisite course for MTH 123 students

General education offerings

The College of Staten Island has general education requirements that have, among many others, a math component. The following courses are designed to satisfy this requirement for non-science majors. They are not intended as courses to prepare for the next level of study in mathematics. Most other 100-level math courses also satisfy this requirement.

Service courses

These courses are taught by the math class, but intended as a service for students intending to major in other disciplines.

Pre-major math track

These courses are considered pre-major math course for math majors. They also are essential for non-math majors pursuing a degree in the sciences or perhaps business.

The math major also has a computer requirement that may be satisfied by taking MTH 214 or

  • CSC 126

  • CSC/MTH 228

Required 300+ level math courses for math majors

The math major requires 6 non-elective, 300-level math courses.

Elective math courses

The math major also requires four 300-400 level courses to be chosen from the following list.

300-level courses

400-level courses

500-level courses

New courses are given a 500-level designation until they have been regularized. The 500 designation does not indicate that the course is intended solely for math majors or is harder than a 400-level course.

  • MTH 517 Partial Differential Equations

Graduate courses

The Department of Mathematics offers a few graduate-credit courses. Primarily these are designed as content courses for students pursuing a Masters degree in Education, although not exclusively.
See for an online listing.