Course List
Non-credit co-requisite math courses
MTH 034 Elements of Intermediate Algebra [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 035 Intermediate Algebra [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
A co-requisite course for MTH 123 students
General education offerings
The College of Staten Island has general education requirements that have, among many others, a math component. The following courses are designed to satisfy this requirement for non-science majors. They are not intended as courses to prepare for the next level of study in mathematics. Most other 100-level math courses also satisfy this requirement.
MTH 102 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 103 Mathematical Ideas [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 104 Thinking Mathematically [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 111 Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Integrated Review [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 113 Introduction to Probability and Statistics [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
This statistics course is taken for general education purposes by many students, including intended majors in nursing.
Service courses
These courses are taught by the math class, but intended as a service for students intending to major in other disciplines.
MTH 108 Medical Dosage Calculations [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
This course in only intended for nursing students.
MTH 121 Finite Mathematics [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 122 Functions and Models in College Algebra [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
The course is intended primarily for students in social sciences or humanities; those planning to major in Science, Letters, and Society, or in business or STEM fields should consult the Catalog for the appropriate course.
MTH 221 Applied Finite Mathematics and Business Calculus [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
Together, MTH 121 and MTH 221 are math courses intended to prepare Business students for their studies.
MTH 217 Fundamentals of Mathematics I [Catalog] [Syllabus and Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 218 Fundamentals of Mathematics II [Catalog] [Syllabus and Role/Learning Goals]
Together, MTH 217 and MTH 218 instruct potential SLS teachers in methods to teach mathematics.
Pre-major math track
These courses are considered pre-major math course for math majors. They also are essential for non-math majors pursuing a degree in the sciences or perhaps business.
MTH 123 College Algebra and Trigonometry [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 125 College Algebra and Trigonomety [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
(A version of MTH 123 with more time on task.)
MTH 130 Pre-Calculus Mathematics [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 214 Applied Statistics Using Computers [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
This course has many roles in the curriculum. For Biology students, it is an alternative to BIO 272. For Math majors it may be used as an alternate to CSC 126.
MTH 230 Calculus I with Pre-Calculus [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
A one-semester alternate to MTH 130 and 231 for students who receive an A or B in MTH 123.
MTH 231 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 229 Calculus Computer Laboratory [Catalog] [Syllabus] M-files [Role/Learning Goals]
A computer lab accompanying MTH 230 or MTH 231. This is a stand-alone course and required for all students to graduate who need to earn credit in calculus, even transfer students.
MTH 232 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals] [Videos]
MTH 233 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III [Catalog] Syllabus [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 235 Accelerated Calculus I [Catalog] [Syllabus]
The math major also has a computer requirement that may be satisfied by taking MTH 214 or
CSC 126
Required 300+ level math courses for math majors
The math major requires 6 non-elective, 300-level math courses.
MTH 301 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 311 Probability Theory and An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 330 Applied Mathematical Analysis I [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 334 Differential Equations [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
The math major requires either MTH 330 or MTH 334; students cannot receive credit for both courses. MTH 330 is a six-credit course, as it also has a linear algebra component.
MTH 338 Linear Algebra [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 339 Abstract Algebra I [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 341 Advanced Calculus I [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
Elective math courses
The math major also requires four 300-400 level courses to be chosen from the following list.
300-level courses
MTH 306 History of Mathematical Thought [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 329 Geometry [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 331 Applied Mathematical Analysis II [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 335 Numerical Analysis [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 337 Applied Combinatorics & Graph Theory [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 342 Advanced Calculus II [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 347 Number Theory [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 349 Cryptology [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 350 Mathematical Logic [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 370 Operations Research [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
400-level courses
MTH 410 Mathematical Statistics I [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 411 Mathematical Statistics II [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 415 Mathematical Biology [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 416 Mathematics of Finance [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 431 Complex Analysis [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 435 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 437 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 440 Foundations of Mathematics [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 441 Topology [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 442 Abstract Algebra [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
MTH 445 Intro to Differential Geometry [Catalog] [Syllabus] [Role/Learning Goals]
500-level courses
New courses are given a 500-level designation until they have been regularized. The 500 designation does not indicate that the course is intended solely for math majors or is harder than a 400-level course.
- MTH 517 Partial Differential Equations
Graduate courses
The Department of Mathematics offers a few graduate-credit courses. Primarily these are designed as content courses for students pursuing a Masters degree in Education, although not exclusively.
See for an online listing.