Learning goals for MTH301

Role in Curriculum

This course will introduce math majors to proof techniques and working on open ended problems, as a foundation for other proof based 300/400 level math courses, and as a preparation for undergraduate research projects. This is a required course for mathematics majors

Learning Goals and Assessment Plans

Learning Goal Assessment
Use basic set notation and quantifiers. When the class is being assessed, the final exams will include embedded questions to assess student performance on these topic-specific learning goals. Instructors will tally their students' scores on these questions, and will forward this data to the chair of the department pre-major curriculum committee
Write out careful and correct proofs, using proof techniques including induction. same
Write out careful and correct proofs, using proof techniques including contrapositives and proof by contradiction. same

When assessment activities are done, the results will be summarized in memorandum form and filed with the department chairperson for record keeping purposes.

Information obtained from assessment will be used to assess and self-reflect on the success of the course and to make any necessary changes to improve teaching and learning effectiveness.

Last updated 2/6/2021