Prabudh Misra


Topology, Semi-group Theory


Office | 1S-227
Telephone | x3626
Email | prabudhram.misra at
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My research interests are in the fields of Semigroups of Continuous Selfmaps and Rings of Continuous Functions. The former area had considerable growth in the last four decades and my work pertains to studying Peano Continua and their associated semigroups, Near-rings of continuous selfmaps on a topological group - mostly their automorphism groups along with epimorphism and monomorphism theorems for such near-rings. In rings of continuous functions area, an attempt to find algebraic properties on these rings that would characterize metric spaces led me to give a unified proof of some isomorphism theorems and also a local isomorphism theorem for metric spaces.

I received a Ph.D. from Indian Insitute of Technolology, Kanpur and an M.Sc. degree from Allahabad University, India. After spending about two years at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, I spent the late 70’s teaching at the Federal University of Goias and the early 80’s at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. I have been teaching since the Fall of 1984 at The College of Staten Island, The City University of New York. I am actively involved in organizing the weekly New York Seminar on Topology and Topological Algebra after moving to Staten Island. Our seminar group initiated and has organized several *Summer Topology Conferences& and we have edited the proceedings of these conferences.

Prabudh Misra